
Erlebnisse rund um's Tandem von Rana Gilgen & Moritz Kobel


Tag City

Packing and return flight

With the fresh experience from the outbound flight, everything went easier on the return trip.

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Contrast program to cycling - We explore the Twin Cities by public transport.

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St. Croix Falls - William O'Brien State Park - Minneapolis

Our tour ends with rain, art and a comfortable ride to Minneapolis.

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Short day stage

After settling in in Duluth, we drove to Superior as the first short day's drive.

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First days in the USA

In order to get used to the time difference and to prepare everything for the bike tour, we had first booked three hotel nights in Duluth.

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San Francisco

Sightseeing in San Francisco, tandem packing and a record check-in!

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Samuel P. Taylor State Park - San Francisco

Last stage in North America with crossing of the Golden Gate Bridge!

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Cathlamet Marina - Astoria

Back to the Pacific

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Ruckle - Victoria

Beautiful railroad trail

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Cedar Crove Campground - Chemainus River Campground

A dream delicatessen

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Campbell River - Miracle Beach

Leisurely tour along the coast.

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Champagne - Whitehorse

Another ideal bike day with construction site.

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After arriving in Anchorage, we took advantage of a day's break there to go shopping.

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Bow Valley Provicial Park Campground - Cochrane

A real rainy day for once.

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Basel - Lyon

We were not able to do our summer vacation tour this year until September.

Since we received too few registrations for the tandem club tour over the Brünig and the grosse Scheidegg, we converted the first two days of our tour to a tandem club tour.

Afterwards we drove "alone" through the Jura and along the Ain to Lyon.

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Oslo and return to Switzerland

We visited Oslo and then started the long journey back to Switzerland.


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Journey to Norway

No one should claim that New Zealand is far away... It takes us about 51 hours to get to Trondheim...


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Summary of the tandem tour through Norway

To make planning a little easier for copycats, we have summarized some facts and tips about our tandem tour.


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Stages Trondheim to Ringebu

On our first stages we got to know Norway in the rain.


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last hours in Christchurch

After the check-in we wait for our plane...

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Geraldine - Christchurch

Last days through the Canterbury Plains.

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Wanaka for the second time

Since we liked it so much, we stayed a little longer than planned.

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Day trip to Puzzle World and Transport and Toy Mueseum.

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Stay in the tourism capital of New Zealand.

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Dunedin - wait...

Waiting and driving on the steepest road in the world.

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Dunedin - forest fire

We are stuck as a result of forest fire.

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Leisurely shopping and museum visit.

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Tandem and driver repaired

Back in Christchurch we prepare for the onward journey.

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Wellington - Picton

Capital visit and crossing to the South Island

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Picton - Richmond

First south island stages, partly with a lot of rain :-(

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Tolaga Bay - Gisborne

New pedal position and police contact

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Christmas and Luge

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Cathedral Cove-Hot Water Beach

Small day trip to Cathedral Cove and Hot Water Beach.

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Waihi - Gold mine visit

In Waihi we visited the last operating gold mine in New Zealand.

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After the car ride to Auckland and a day trip, we now rode the tandem for the first day.

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School graduation and exams

School is finished and the exams are written!

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Scrambled eggs world record

Today, a fast food giant with the yellow M conducted a successful world record attempt for the largest scrambled egg.

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Myth Greek Souvlakis

Greek taste experience in Christchurch.

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first tandem successes

after a long search we found a store where we can try a tandem and one where we can buy one!

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first school days

- wait like in the military
- rigorous Cambridge test
- New Zealand cell phone number
- Tandem search

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