
Erlebnisse rund um's Tandem von Rana Gilgen & Moritz Kobel


Category: Germany 2016

From Munich to Lake Constance

After the stay in Munich we took the train to Kempten. From Kempten we enjoyed beautiful & quiet roads to Lake Constance.

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From the Bavarian Forest to Munich

After the quiet and shady Bavarian forest we drove along the Danube and the Vils until just before Munich.

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From the Upper Palatinate to the Bavarian Forest

On the first part of our summer tour we drove from Wiesen to Deggendorf through the Bavarian Forest.

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With the tandem in the train to the Upper Palatinate

The biggest organizational challenge on our vacations is usually the arrival/return trip.


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Our second tandem is here!

Since April we are the proud owners of a second tandem...
To keep our "normal" tandem and our recumbent bike species-appropriate company, we decided to expand our fleet with an AZUB Twin recumbent tandem.

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