
Erlebnisse rund um's Tandem von Rana Gilgen & Moritz Kobel


Tag Airplane

Packing and return flight

With the fresh experience from the outbound flight, everything went easier on the return trip.

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We are on the road again!

After a bit of a break from long-distance travel, we're off again! We're tackling a new travel challenge: we're going camping with kid and bikes in the USA (among other things).

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We are on the road again!

For a couple of years we have been dealing with the idea of taking a longer trip again. Now we are turning our plan into reality and will travel from Alaska to San Francisco.

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Return flight and conclusion

Our journey had hardly begun when we were already on the plane back to Switzerland.

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Journey to Jasper

The journey took a very long time, but worked out amazingly well!

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Travel preparation Rocky Mountains

Soon the time will come and we will start this year's summer vacation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Since we want to be on the road with our tandem, we are currently looking back on almost a year of preparation!

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