A largely very nice route from Banff NP into Yoho NP.
From Lake Louise Village we drove uphill on the tramline (old route of the tramline from the train station, up to the hotel at the lake, which is now hiking and biking trail) discovered the day before. Just before the lake, we turned onto the disused Highway 1a. This somewhat rough but beautiful road is now only accessible to bicyclists, hikers and cross-country skiers. At the watershed and provincial boundary on Kicking Horse Pass we paid a visit to the abandoned rest area.
After the idyllic rest we unfortunately had to continue on the Trans Canada Highway. Fortunately, this mostly had a wide shoulder. After the steep descent at the "Big Hill" we could fortunately turn into the Yoho Valley. The road there is so narrow and steep that trailers are prohibited and long vehicles have to reverse on a short section because two curves do not allow turning. Although the road is one of the steepest in Rocky Mountains according to the guidebook, we made good progress and reached the beautiful campground near Takakkaw Falls.
Since the site is remote (no car access) and small, facilities are kept to a minimum. So we made do with (very clean!) outhouses and a glacial stream as a bathtub :-)