After we drove the previous day in cold and partly wet weather from the mountains on the busy TCH downhill, we faced the opposite on the route from Golden to Radium.
In Golden we filled up our food supplies for once at regular prices. After leaving the small town, we could again enjoy a very quiet country road. With a slight tailwind, we made good progress on the undulating, slightly uphill road. On the way we met a touring driver, whom we had already met a few days ago in Lake Louise at the campground.
In the course of the day it became hotter and hotter, so that our thermometer rose up to 39°C. Accordingly, we used almost every opportunity for an ice cream break :-)
On the way we passed a track construction site. While in Switzerland mainly special vehicles are used, here in Canada we have trucks adapted to the tracks.
When planning, we reckoned that we would not drive all the way to Radium. Since we didn't like the first two campsites before Radium from the road and we didn't find the third one easily, this day ended only after 105km in Radium.