This text was written in German. The translation in English was created by machine with DeepL and without proofreading.

Train ride from Masterton to Lower Hutt

In the morning we drove from the campground in Masterton to the train station. Bicycles are transported free of charge on this route, but have lowest priority, especially as large as we have one (statement of the conductor). After all passengers had thrown their luggage into the luggage car (not really space-saving), we could finally stow the tandem and trailer in the last available space. After more than an hour of train travel (for a total of $24, really cheap!) we reached Lower Hutt, a suburb of Wellington. There we fought our way against strong wind and drizzle to the local campground. After pitching the tent in strong wind and rain, we moved to the dining room of the campground to sort pictures and write blog articles again.